reversionary bonus — noun A bonus added to the sum payable on death or at the maturation of an insurance policy • • • Main Entry: ↑reverse … Useful english dictionary
reversionary bonus — A sum added to the amount payable on death or maturity of a with profits policy for life assurance. The bonus is added if the life assurance company has a surplus or has a profit on the investment of its life funds. Once a reversionary bonus has… … Accounting dictionary
reversionary bonus — A sum added to the amount payable on death or maturity of a with profits policy The bonus is added if the life assurance company has a surplus or has a profit on the investment of its life funds. Once a reversionary bonus has been made it cannot… … Big dictionary of business and management
reversionary bonus — /rəvɜʒənəri ˈboʊnəs/ (say ruhverzhuhnuhree bohnuhs) noun a periodic free addition to the sum insured under a life insurance policy, made from surplus earned on the insurer s investments. See terminal bonus …
reversionary bonus — /rɪˌvɜ:ʃ(ə)n(ə)ri bəυnəs/ noun an annual bonus on a life assurance policy, declared by the insurer … Dictionary of banking and finance
bonus — 1) An extra payment made to employees by management, usually as a reward for good work, to compensate for something (e. g. dangerous work) or to share out the profits of a good year s trading. 2) An extra amount of money additional to the… … Big dictionary of business and management
bonus — /ˈboʊnəs / (say bohnuhs) noun 1. something given or paid over and above what is due. 2. a sum of money paid to a shareholder, partner, employee, or agent of a company, a returned soldier, etc., over and above the regular dividend or pay. 3. Stock …
terminal bonus — /tɜmənəl ˈboʊnəs/ (say termuhnuhl bohnuhs) noun free addition to the sum assured on a policy to reflect the excess of the market value of the life assurance company s assets over their book value; paid once only when the policy matures. See… …
With-profits policy — A with profits policy (Commonwealth) or participating policy (U.S.) is an insurance contract that participates in the profits of a life insurance company. The company is often a mutual life insurance company, or had been one when it began its… … Wikipedia
Бонус — (bonus) 1. Премия, выплачиваемая администрацией работнику, как правило в виде вознаграждения за хорошую работу, компенсации за что либо (например, за опасную работу) или части прибыли, полученной организацией в удачном финансовом году. 2. Сумма… … Словарь бизнес-терминов
БОНУС — (bonus) 1. Премия, выплачиваемая администрацией работнику, как правило, в виде вознаграждения за хорошую работу, компенсации за что либо (например за опасную работу) или части прибыли, полученной организацией в удачном финансовом году. 2. Сумма… … Финансовый словарь